Jumat, 12 Juni 2020

PHP Set session timeout

Quick post. This post will help me to recall how to set a session timeout in PHP someday. Lets cut the explanation what is actually happening behind the scene in PHP for timing out the session. As my other posts, I will put the source where I read this great and helpfull solution. Link. I'd like to thank the dude who wrote that post.

So, I'm still using CodeIgniter and I put this function on my Model for login. So here is my function:

    function session_timeout_check()
        $timeout_max = 1800;//timeout after 30 minutes
        $time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];

            if($time - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > $timeout_max)
                return 1;
                return 0;
            return 1;

I put that function in the constructor of all controller:

    public function __construct()
        if($this->M_login->session_timeout_check() == 1)
            //unsetting session variable, destroying session and redirecting to login page

inside the if you can put other conditions to check the session.

so that's all folks.

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