Jumat, 04 Februari 2022

Datatable: set title to downloaded File

 Short post, in case I need it later. 

So my problem was, I have several datatables in one page and each datatable has download buttons. Normaly, datatable will use the page's title as the name of the downloaded file. But I have more than one datatables and I want the downloaded file has different name. 

And here is the solution.

$('#zero_configuration_table').DataTable( {
	dom: 'Bfrtip',
	buttons: [
		{extend:'excelHtml5', title: 'Dashboard Tracer Study'},
        {extend:'pdfHtml5', title: 'PDF Dashboard Tracer Study'}
	scrollX:        true,
	scrollCollapse: true,
	paging:         false,
	fixedColumns: false,
	autoWidth: false,

Take a look at the buttons, simple right. I can even put different name on each button. With that code, the datatables doesn't do pagination and it is horizontally scrollable.

Datatable : Adding a Row Dynamically and adding its atrribute

Ok, I had a problem to solve the problem I mentioned in the title of this post. 

So, I combined two solution from two sources (Actually I've browsed to several websites and discussions). 

These are my sources: Source 1, Source 2.

I use ajax to retrieve the data and then add them dynamically to the table. Then, I want to align the text to center and add onclick event on each row.

So here is my Table:

<div class="table-responsive">
	<table class="table table-striped table-bordered" 
    	id="transaction_detail" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
			<tr class="text-center align-middle">

		<tbody >


And here is my Ajax:

  data:{customer_id: customerid},
	var jsondat = JSON.parse(data)  ;
	//clear the table's body

	if(jsondat.length > 0){
		for(var i=0; i<jsondat.length; i++){
			var rowTab = $("#transaction_detail")

			//use node() so that row is editable.
			var rowEdit = rowTab.node();

				"cursor:pointer; text-align:center");

			//redraw the table after its modified

  error: function(){


I hope it can help you somehow. cheers!!